Only through the internet communication with our customer from Israel, in the end we confirmed the order for the Ultrasonic food cutting machine,model: Wanlisp2-305K920L1700. When our customers is going to pay the deposit of Ultrasonic food cutting machine,however, he doubt our factory.

In order to reach the arrangement, on 23rd March, 2023, our customer came to our factory to further negotiation of our Ultrasonic food cutting machine. After visiting our factory, and test our Ultrasonic cake cutting machine on site. From all kinds of factors: service, production, technology, etc. customer recognized our Ultrasonic food cutting machine. Our factory would do our best to service our customers, hope to produce more suitable machine to reach our customers’ requirement.

Jorna Su Hong(Senior Customer Consultant)
 Zhangzhou Wanli Machinery Co., Ltd.
Pass CE: Certificate NO.:M.2021.206.C63668
(Excellent Quality, Excellent Price & Excellent Service)
Tel: 86-13400979434
We Chat/Whats App: 008613400979434